Welcome to eFiling |
Welcome. You have reached the website for electronically filing and retrieving documents in contested case proceedings with the Administrative Hearings Division. You must have an account to use this service.
If you have any questions, please contact the Administrative Hearings Division at adminhearings@dia.iowa.gov or (515) 281-6468.
For a step-by-step quick guide to use the system, please click the "Filers Quick Guide" link at the bottom of the page.
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a separate case portal and does not participate in our AEDMS eFiling system. If you would like to set up an account in the HHS Portal for full access to your case file and to receive notifications from HHS, please go to: https://benefits.stateofiowahhs.org/program/appeals.
- Administrative Hearings Division Website
- Division Rules